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Past Event

The Serious Effects of Loneliness on Seniors: Mental & Physical Consequences

Held by: 
Apr 29, 2020
1:00 pm (MST)
60 Minutes

Dr. Richard Lewanczuk discusses the serious impact of social isolation and loneliness on seniors, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. While people often associate loneliness with boredom and lack of joy, it's important to recognize its significant mental and physical health implications. Loneliness can have adverse effects on the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to viral infections. It can also impact the cardiovascular system, blood pressure, diabetes, and inflammatory response. Furthermore, loneliness can impair cognitive functions such as memory and reasoning, potentially worsening conditions like dementia. Care partners also experience isolation and suffer emotional, mental, and physical consequences as a result.


The Serious Effects of Loneliness on Seniors Certificate

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