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End-of Life-Care: Palliative Care
The experience of dying is different for each person.  It comes in its own time and its own way. However, the process of dying often follows a somewhat predictable path. […]
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Alzheimer's Disease is a life-limiting illness with a terminal phase
In this presentation, Kath will discuss the terminal nature of Alzheimer's Disease and explore what this means for your role in caregiving, navigating, decision-making, and advance care planning. Kath will […]
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End Of Life: End of Life Care Session 2
Palliative care nurses will explain what to expect in the end stage of dementia and how to provide comfort to someone who is near the end of life.
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Objectifs de soins en fin de vie
Guide : Inscrivez vos idées quant aux objectifs de soins souhaités à l’intention de votre proche au seuil de leur fin de vie, à partir des discussions précédentes que vous […]
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Helpful Resources
Booklet The Progression of Alzheimer's Disease This valuable resource is available online at: http://www.alzheimer.ca/english/disease/progression-intro.htm Websites Alzheimer Society of Canada  http://www.alzheimer.ca The Alzheimer Society of Canada identifies, develops and facilitates national […]
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Learning about Dementia and Care near the End of Life
Progression - End of Life Reclaiming Yourself Video Resources: Dementia: Palliative care at the end of life Reflections on caring for my mother Dying in long term care: Preparing families […]
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Goals for care at the End of Life
Guide: Write your thoughts about the goals of care you wish your family member/friend to receive as they approach end of life, based on previous discussions or understanding of your […]
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Helpful Resources
Advocacy and Communicating with Staff: After the move: Communicating and Working with the staff Strategies to help you in your role as a care partner All About Me Adjusting After […]
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Physical Comfort at End-of-Life
When a person with Alzheimer's disease is in the very late stages of the disease, the focus should be on quality of life and comfort rather than on lengthening life […]
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End-of-Life Care
At the end of their lives, most people living with dementia are being cared for in a care home. The care required is extensive and is very difficult for family […]
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