The Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories also contributes to the Alzheimer Society Research Program. This program helped provide grants and training awards to Canadian researchers in the field of Alzheimer's disease.
Hope for Tomorrow Dementia Research Catalyst Grant
In 2017 the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories invested $1 million to dementia research in Alberta through the Hope for Tomorrow Dementia Research Catalyst Grant. The awarded funds were matched by a partner organization, which translated to a $2 million investment. This was a one-time investment and is in addition to funds we have currently committed to dementia research.
The Hope for Tomorrow Dementia Research Catalyst Grant was made possible through the generosity of Alberta’s donors, who have entrusted us to steward their donations appropriately.
Funding was provided to University of Alberta and University of Lethbridge.
University of Alberta
Hope for Tomorrow funding help to establish the New Synergies Today: Enhancing Research in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias at the University of Alberta (SynAD) to advance dementia research in Alberta.
The SynAD program has three initiatives for expanding Alzheimer's disease and related dementia capacity at the University of Alberta.
Learn more about this research here.
University of Lethbridge
Building on the specialized infrastructure already available at the Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience, U of L neuroscientists used funding to track the gradual emergence of Alzheimer’s disease through a state-of-the-art imaging research program that could ultimately lead to earlier diagnoses, prevention strategies and evaluation of new treatments.
Learn more about this research here.
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