Someone with dementia will help you understand dementia from their perspective - how it feels, the challenges they face and how they maintain hope. You will also be introduced to the concept of person-centered care and learn about healthy life style choices for people with dementia.
Learn what you might expect in your role as a family care partner from an experienced family member who has completed this journey. Find out how your role might impact your relationship with your family member, what emotions you might experience and what challenges you might face. Start planning how to care for yourself during this journey.
A geriatrician will explain the medical management of the disease including types of dementia, diagnosis, risk factors, symptoms, treatment, and progression.
A lawyer will explain the legal and financial documents you need to get done in the early stage while the person with the disease has capacity to make decisions and make their wishes be known. You will have a chance to examine the barriers that often prevent planning ahead.