Our Community

Gaylene's Story

The Support I Needed

Debby's Story

“Bill was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in the spring of 2014. As his disease progressed, I found myself feeling frustrated, angry, and alone. Attending the support groups through the Alzheimer Society changed my life. I learned that in order to help my husband, I needed to take care of myself, too. Thanks to the education and support I received, I know I gave Bill the best life possible and that means the world to me.” – Gaylene, Alzheimer Society client

An elderly couple, Gaylene and her partner, smiling, wearing matching pink and red jackets, standing arm-in-arm inside a home with white doors in the background.
Monthly giving is a wonderful option for both you and the people Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories serve. Scheduling your gift is a convenient way to provide reliable support to those affected by dementia across Alberta and the Northwest Territories.
With every additional monthly gift we receive, we are better able to plan and invest in long-term projects to benefit the individuals and families we serve.
Set up your monthly gift today online, or by calling 1-866-950-5465.