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Part 1: Dementia from an Insider's Perspective

Christine Bryden was a top civil servant and single mother of three children when she was diagnosed with dementia at the age of 46. “Dancing with Dementia' is a vivid account of her experiences of living with dementia, exploring the effects of memory problems, loss of independence, difficulties in communication and the exhaustion of coping with simple tasks.

Here are two audio files from Christine's book. Take a few minutes to listen to her words as she shares from the perspective of a person living with dementia. Feel free to make some notes as you listen.

Care Partner not Martyr

Journey from Cognition - Through Emotion into Spirit

For reflection.....

After you listen to the audio files, take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions.  Feel free to make some notes.

  • What stood out for you as important messages?
  • Now that you've heard some of Christine's thoughts, what will you continue to do in your role as a care partner?  What will you stop or do differently?

To continue your learning experience, move ahead to Session 5 where we'll explore the issues and changes faced by people in the middles stages of dementia. 

The Alzheimer Society in your community can provide educational resources to help you learn more about the disease, referrals to help you access the practical support you need, and one-on-one and group support to help you cope with the emotional impact of the disease.  Contact your local Alzheimer Society today.


Note: This online version of the Seeds of Hope Family Learning Series provides guidance but it is not intended to replace the advice of a health care professional.  Consult your health care provider about changes in the person's condition, or if you have questions or concerns.