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Communication and Caregiving


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Communication is a critical component of our life; it enables us to express who we are and allows us to relate to one another. When we communicate, we convey messages or exchange information to share needs, opinions, ideas, beliefs, feelings, emotions, experiences and values. Communication is more than talking and listening; it involves understanding and interpreting.

Information is conveyed in many ways:

  • Verbal: words we use and understand
  • Non-verbal: body language (facial expression, posture and gesture)
  • Written: words we read and write
  • Para-verbal: tone, pacing and volume of our voice

In this session, a speech language pathologist will help you understand the communication challenges faced by people with dementia and how this feels for them.  Practical skills to help you communicate more effectively with the person you are caring for will be shared.

Learning Objectives

When you have completed this session, you will be able to:

  • Appreciate how it feels to have difficulty with communication - understanding and being understood.
  • Understand how dementia affects the communication centres of the brain.
  • Recognize the importance of feelings and having empathy when communicating with people who have dementia.
  • Distinguish between verbal and non-verbal communication strategies that focus on the strengths of the person with dementia. 
  • Use validation as a technique for communicating with individuals who have dementia.
  • Identify community supports/resources for assistance in the future for help with communication issues.

Work through the various parts of the session at your leisure.  Move from one part to another at your own pace and in the order that makes sense to you, based on your own needs and interests.

At any time, you may scroll to the Search bar at the top of the page and type a specific question or topic.


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Congratulations!  You've successfully completed Session 7.

In this session you explored the communication challenges faced by people with dementia and how this feels for them.  You were also introduced to some practical tips and strategies to help you communicate more effectively with the person you are caring for.

The Alzheimer Society in your community can provide educational resources to help you learn more about the disease, referrals to help you access the practical support you need, and one-on-one and group support to help you cope with the emotional impact of the disease.  Contact your local Alzheimer Society today.

Note: This online version of the Seeds of Hope Family Learning Series provides guidance but it is not intended to replace the advice of a health care professional.  Consult your health care provider about changes in the person's condition, or if you have questions or concerns.