Communication and Caregiving

Part 5: Practical Communication Tips

Segment with a Speech Language Pathologist: Practical Tips

As the disease progresses, communication can become increasingly challenging. Recognizing those changes will help the person with dementia, and her family and friends, find ways to communicate more effectively.

Here we have a conversation between speech language pathologist, Tammy Hopper, and host, Liana Shannon. Tammy shares practical communication techniques and tips to help you communicate more effectively with someone living with dementia.


5 Tips for Improving Communication (Middle Stage)

Download and print a copy of the activity sheet below.  It provides a nice summary of five key points that Tammy and Liana discussed in the video:

  1. Use "clear speech"
  2. Simplify - vocabulary, sentences, explanations
  3. Use choice questions (but not all the time...)
  4. Talk about things you can see, touch, feel
  5. Validate feelings and beliefs - "connect vs correct"

, Download File,

For reflection.....

After you've read the activity sheet, take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions.  Feel free to make some notes.

  • What stood out to you as you read the information? What surprised you?
  • Now that you've reviewed the activity sheet, what will you continue to do in your role as a care partner?  What will you stop or do differently?
  • What's the ONE new communication tip you plan to try with the person you are caring for?


Additional Reading

Communication - Day to Day Series

Enhancing Communication: A By Us For Us Guide

Communication Tips for Caregivers 


To continue your learning experience, move ahead to Session 10 where we'll explore the importance of hope on your journey as a care partner. Find out how to maintain hope, the importance of self-care, and how to get the help and support you need.