Expressions of Feelings and Needs
Expressions of Feelings and Needs

Part 5: Emotional Impact of Dementia: Personal Stories

Just as everyone has a different experience living with dementia, every care partner’s experience will also be unique.

Watch the videos below and listen to care partners Edith Stein and Barb Campbell's stories of supporting a person through the stages of dementia. They both experienced many emotions throughout the journey and generously shared their experiences here.  They offer some great advice to help you manage your role as a care partner.

For Reflection…

After you listen to Edith’s and Barb’s stories, take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions.  Feel free to make some notes.

  • How are their stories like your own experience?  How are they different?
  • What stood out for you as important messages?
  • Now that you’ve listened to both stories about the emotional impact of dementia, what will you continue to do in your role as a care partner?  What will you stop or do differently?

Hearing about others’ stories is often helpful. The podcast Let’s Not Be Kidding with Gavin Crawford is a great resource that you may relate to as a care partner.