Activities of Daily Living
Activities of Daily Living

Part 3: Meaningful Leisure Experiences: For the Person with Dementia

Our leisure experiences mean something important to each of us. Leisure allows us to continue to express who we are and what we value about ourselves by using our unique skills and abilities gained over our lifetimes. Leisure is about doing our own thing—whether that’s listening to music, going for a walk, or meditating.

Download and print the activity sheet below. Here, we identify and describe three common sets of challenges to engaging in meaningful leisure experiences: personal, social, and system challenges.

Review the list of 11 obstacles and circle the numbers for the challenges that you’ve experienced as a person living with dementia. Or that the person you are supporting may have experienced.

Source: Living and Celebrating Life through Leisure, Murray Alzheimer Research and Education Program

Activities of Daily Living

For Reflection...

After you read the activity sheet, take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions.  Feel free to make some notes.

  • What challenges have you experienced?
  • What will you continue to do to deal with these challenges OR help the person you are caring for to deal with these challenges?  What will you stop or do differently?

Download and read the "Living and Celebrating Life Through Leisure—By Us For Us Guide" to discover some helpful ideas for overcoming these obstacles.

Additional Reading

Living and Celebrating Life Through Leisure - By Us For Us Guide
