Be Socially Active

Part 3: My Social Connections

Most of us are social beings and usually prefer the company of others rather than existing in isolation. It's often more fun doing things with other people, to share experiences like going to the movies or a concert, take off on a trip somewhere or discover a new restaurant.

To help look after your brain health it's important to be social with people whose company you enjoy and in ways that interest you.

(Source: Your Brain Matters, Alzheimer's Australia)

Think about the social activities that interest you the most! Type an activity in the box below, where it says "Type word here". For example, an activity might be “bowling” or “coffee chat”. Move to the next box and type another one. You can type up to 15 activities. Drag the bar along the scale to show how important each social activity is to you in relation to the others. When you are finished hit "Generate" and see your social connections appear in a "cloud" picture.

Complete the social connections "cloud" exercise below.  It will help you identify, and possibly expand, the social activities (formal and informal) that are of interest to you.



Personal Reflection

After you complete the exercise, print a copy of your "cloud" and take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions.  Feel free to make some notes.

  • What are the social activities that interest you the most?
  • What are some new social activities that you'd like to try to expand your social connections?
  • Now that you've created your own "cloud", what will you continue to do in order to benefit from the social connections that are available to you? What will you stop or do differently?


Additional Reading

Visit the link below for more reading on the following:

Be Socially Active


At any time, you may scroll to the Search bar at the top of the page and type a specific question or topic.