Taking Care of You: Grief and Self Care

Part 1: Our Experience of Grief

Bereavement counsellor Linda Aris helps us understand the grieving process and how it affects a care partner’s journey.

Watch this video and learn how to take care of yourself along the way.

After you watch the video, take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions.  Feel free to make some notes.

  • What stood out for you as important messages?
  • What will you continue to do in your role as a care partner?  What will you stop or do differently?

To connect with community supports/resources for assistance with grief or emotional support, scroll to the Search bar at the top of the page and type a specific question or topic. 

The Alzheimer Society in your community can provide educational resources to help you learn more about the disease, referrals to help you access the practical support you need, and one-on-one and group support to help you cope with the emotional impact of the disease.  Contact your local Alzheimer Society today.


More Learning Resources

Reducing Caregiver Stress

A Handbook for Care
