Living with Change
Living with Change

Part 2: Care Partner Strengths and Areas for Development

Caring for a person with dementia can be a complex task. It can be frustrating, confusing, and emotionally and physically exhausting, though it has its rewards and good times.

We all have our individual strengths that we bring to our role as care partner. However, if you're the only one providing care, you may wish to get help at some time.

Complete the checklist below. Think of it as a step toward reflecting on your own strengths as a care partner and areas where you may need to develop or seek support.

If you checked any of these statements you are not alone. It is very difficult for care partners to speak up and ask for help or use community services as a resource. However these things are vital to your success in your journey as a care partner.

Adapted from: The Caregiver Helpbook, Powerful Tools for Caregiving., Vicki Schmall, Marilyn Cleland and Marilynn Sturdevant, Legacy Caregiver Services, Legacy Health System, Portland Oregan, 2000 p. 47 and 181.


For reflection....

Take a few minutes now to reflect on the following questions.  Feel free to make some notes.

  • What changes do you need to make in your current care giving situation?
  • What will you continue to do in your role as a care partner?  What will you stop or do differently?


Additional Reading

First Steps for Families

Ways to Help

Reducing Caregiver Stress

A Handbook for Care

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