Saying Good-Bye and Moving Forward

Part 3: Moving Forward

You now need to take care of yourself. Give yourself time to grieve. You have likely been grieving since the start of the disease and have experienced losses throughout. Be kind and patient with yourself. You may not be able to return to your previous routines quickly or feel as energized as before. Grief can affect all areas of your life—physical, social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual.

My Sources of Comfort and Pleasure

For some people, much of the grief is experienced before the death.  Death itself brings a sense of closure, and healing has already begun.  For others, the process of grief may take longer.  Healing can take many forms for everyone as life gradually returns to normal.  (Extracted from A Caregiver’s Guide: A Handbook About End-of-Life Care)

As you have time to reflect, consider your comfort and pleasure sources.  Download and print a copy of the activity sheet below. 

My Sources of Comfort and Pleasure

For Reflection...

  • What are the things that have given you the most fulfillment in the past?
  • Who are the key people in your life?
  • What gives you purpose and meaning in your life?  (What motivates you to get up in the morning?)

My "Bucket List"

You may want to live life to the fullest to make up for the fact that the person you are caring for will not have the opportunity. Now is the time to turn those "someday I will thoughts" into achieved unforgettable experiences!

Download and print a copy of the "Bucket List" activity sheet below. List at least 10 things you plan to do in the future when your caregiving journey is over.

My Bucket List