Maintaining the Connection
Maintaining the Connection

Part 1: Ways to Support and Activity Ideas

Recreation therapist Christie Oswald shares ideas about supporting a family member or friend living in a care home.  These ideas can help ensure the best quality of life for the person living with dementia.

After you watch the video, take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions.  Feel free to make some notes.

  • What stood out for you as important messages?
  • What will you continue to do in your role as a care partner? What will you stop or do differently?


44 Things to Do

Download and print a copy of the activity sheet below.  Take a few moments to review the 44 things to do with a person living with dementia.

44 Things to Do


For Reflection...

After you’ve reviewed the activity sheet, take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions.  Feel free to make some notes.

  • Which of these activities do you already do with the person you are caring for? Circle them on the sheet.
  • Which activities do you plan to try with the person you are caring for? Underline them on the sheet.
  • What other activity ideas do you find helpful?


More Learning Resources

A Handbook for Care

Quality of Life

Focus:  Helping children understand Alzheimer's disease

Focus:  Helping teens understand Alzheimer's disease
