Let's get physical!
Let's get physical!

Part 6: Physical Activity Guidelines - Older Adults (65 yrs and older)

Physical activity offers a range of benefits for all ages and abilities as part of a healthy lifestyle. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, physical activity is important across all age ranges. Here’s what they say…

Source: Government of Canada

For Older Adults (65 yrs and older)

  • Weight-bearing physical activity reduces the rate of bone loss associated with osteoporosis.
  • Regular physical activity maintains strength and flexibility, balance and coordination, and can help reduce the risk of falls.
  • In short, physical activity helps prolong good health and independence.


Physical Activity Guideline 65+

Download and read this handout (Physical Activity Guideline 65+) to learn more about movement guidelines.

Download File,

Source: Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology